Do What’s Good for Your Soul

Need an excuse to take a break from life and work? Well I got one for you.

There are actually many health benefits to taking a vacation and traveling. One would be that it can decrease your risk for heart disease. Crazy right?

A study founded by the Framingham Heart Study said that women who travel or take a vacation only once every six years are eight times more likely to get a coronary heart disease. They compared these women to women who vacationed at least twice a year.

A nine year study was done on men who were at high risk for heart disease. It was found that the ones who vacation annually have a reduced risk of death, but specifically heart disease.

Vacations obviously can take away your stress, but there was an actual study on this, and how it can alleviate depression too. The Marshfield Clinic followed 1,500 women and found that those who vacation less than once every two years were more likely to suffer from depression and increase stress.

Even if its just a one or two day weekend getaway! Do it! Its good for your soul.

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